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Defend Texas Kids is a Texas PAC devoted to upholding the founding principles of America in Texas schools. 


We believe that: ​

  • All men created equal and endowed by their Creator with equal rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. 

  • All Texas children have an equal right to education. 

  • The primary purpose of education in Texas is to develop the intellect, character, and natural talents of each Texas child to the fullest, for the sake of their own happiness and virtue and the common good of the State of Texas. 

  • Racism, racial prejudice, and racial discrimination have no place in Texas classrooms. 

  • Critical Race Theory (CRT) and associated movements like Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) promote racial prejudice, encourage racial discrimination under the color of equity. 

  • CRT and associated movements undermine the common bonds of friendship that have always made Texans good citizens, good neighbors, and good men and women.  

  • CRT and associated movements are a betrayal of the noble vision of America in which each woman and man is judged not by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. 

We are building a coalition of Texas parents, teachers, students, and citizens who share our devotion to those principles and our vehement opposition to Critical Race Theory in all of its forms and disguises.  

We are working with Texas parents, teachers, and voters all across the great State of Texas to support school board candidates who share our devotion to Texas’s principles of education and our commitment to ensuring that Critical Race Theory is not taught in any Texas classroom. 

In 2021 and 2022, we will: 

  • Identify school boards where CRT is being taught. 

  • Support and elect anti-CRT school board members. 

  • Oppose and un-elect any school board member who supports CRT. 

  • Flip school board across the State of Texas to defend Texas kids’ right to equal education. ​


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