Critical race theory (CRT) is a Communist ideology from the 1970s that was designed to pit Americans against each other by race and class. Now it's back. CRT teaches that:
Everything is about race. All whites are oppressors and all blacks are oppressed.
America was founded for the purpose of perpetuating racism and remains racist today.
In order to 'dismantle' racism, it is necessary to discriminate by race.
Teaching students about race is more important than academic excellence.
Critical Race Theory is false, wrong, anti-American, and anti-Texan. But Joe Biden made it the policy of the Federal Government to funnel taxpayer dollars to schools that teach CRT. Now school boards all across the nation are peddling this poisonous rhetoric to American kids.

Here in Texas, We're Fighting Back Against CRT
Earlier this year Texas passed a law making it ILLEGAL to teach Critical Race Theory in Texas social studies classes. It’s a big victory—but it’s only the start of the battle. TO WIN, WE NEED YOUR HELP IN TWO BIG WAYS:

School boards all around Texas have no oversight to make sure they are following the law. No one from the State of Texas is looking over their shoulder to make sure. We the people, the parents and teachers of the schools of Texas, are the only ones who can hold school districts accountable.

School board members, superintendents, and administrators in all around the country, from Southlake, Texas to Loudoun County, Virginia have shown that they are happy to lie to sneak CRT into all kinds of classes—not just social studies. They can also make lots of administrative changes that transform schools from havens of learning into indoctrination camps. They can require teachers to read pro-CRT books; they can spend school money to hire “Diversity and Equity” consultants and officers whose sole purpose is to sow division by ‘discovering’ racism; they can even encourage students to form groups to spy on each other and report ‘insensitive’ remarks.